
The M.E.A.N. Workbook: An Assessment and Healing Guide for Difficult and Emotionally Abusive Relationships

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The M.E.A.N. Workbook: An Assessment and Healing Guide for Difficult and Emotionally Abusive Relationships

45 ratings

The M.E.A.N. Workbook will help you pinpoint the exact behaviors causing the difficulties in your relationship and guide you to clarity about your next steps.   

If you are experiencing some or many of the following signs or symptoms in an important relationship in your life, then this workbook is for you (works for any type of relationship):

  • You feel guilty 
  • You are blamed or made to feel responsible for most if not all, of the problems in the relationship
  • You feel like you're walking on eggshells
  • You pick your words carefully so as not to upset them
  • You don't know how to make them happy
  • You seek validation from them but never seem to get it
  • Your boundaries are being violated
  • They can't see anything wrong with the relationship and believe the problems that come up are the ones you created
  • Your family and friends think they are wonderful, but you see an entirely different side of them
  • They might seem emotionally detached or distant
  • They don't seem to access empathy
  • They make you believe you are not thinking clearly
  • They seem to have your best interest in mind, but the results always seem to favor them, not you

If any of these resonate, this workbook will pinpoint exactly how you are being manipulated and/or emotionally abused.

If you have not done this type of assessment on your relationship before, you may be somewhat shocked as you learn more about yourself and your partner than ever before. You may also feel liberated to learn that you are not going crazy. 

(Note: If you believe you are being emotionally abusive, sign up for the Healed Being program, where I give you the exact steps you need to take to heal from being hurtful to those you care about. When there is still love in the relationship, there is a good chance things can turn around.)

Emotional abuse can be so subtle and hard to identify. Quite often, friends and family will not see the abuse or manipulation you're experiencing. They might even call you crazy for suggesting it. 

The longer you stay in an emotionally abusive relationship, the crazier you can feel for sure. 

If you are experiencing what you believe to be emotional abuse from a lover, spouse, or friend, this worksheet is for you. You'll reveal all the subtle and not-so-subtle abusive behaviors through a 200-point checklist of signs and symptoms that will help you determine your MEAN score. This score determines just how enmeshed you are in control, manipulation, and emotional abuse. 

This workbook helps you determine exactly what they are doing to make you feel so bad all the time. Often, victims cannot tell how they are being emotionally abused. They just know something isn't right in the relationship.

By the time you're done taking the assessment, reading through the material, and listening to the bonus conversations with two survivors and an expert on covert narcissism, you will be able to recognize and ascertain exactly how you are being manipulated.

You'll also learn how to improve your communication with the manipulative person, determine if it's too late to save the relationship, start the healing journey of increasing self-worth and self-esteem, trust your decisions and instincts again, emotionally reconnect with yourself, understand what components make up a healthy relationship, and a lot more.

Thank you for purchasing the workbook. I wish you the best on your journey of understanding and healing. 

Digital Download includes: 

  • A 200-point assessment to help you pinpoint the specific signs and behaviors of manipulation and emotional abuse in the relationship
  • An evaluation of the current state of your relationship based on your MEAN score
  • Three insightful and powerful recorded audio conversations with manipulation survivors and experts, plus three bonus audios, including a guided visualization
  • Insightful questions and considerations at the end of each section are designed to help you ponder possibilities and reflect on what you're learning about yourself and the relationship
  • Access to a comprehensive list of resources containing all the workbook links, related, helpful podcast episodes, bonus audio tracks, an important terminology section that will help you label what you're experiencing, and so much more
  • Bonus tools, including a "perfect partner" worksheet and self-empowerment checklist for continuing the healing and growth process
  • Option to upgrade to a private, anonymous online peer-support discussion group and other helpful tools available during checkout (more resources if you need them - completely optional)

Gain mental clarity and know what you need to do next by learning where your relationship stands today.

If you have any trouble downloading the workbook, first check the spam or Promotions inbox of your email program. If you can't find it, I'll send it directly. 

I can be contacted here: 

Note: If you can't see a payment link to purchase the workbook, disable your popup blocker. The M.E.A.N. Workbook is a PDF download. You'll also have the option to send the download to a Kindle device.

Look for the Gumroad download link in your email receipt after purchase. Again, make sure to check your spam or junk mail folder.

*Your email is only used to send you the Gumroad receipt and workbook updates, and that's it. No spam.

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